How Unresolved Conflicts Can Lead to Chronic Pain, Anxiety, and Depression—and What to Do About It
Unresolved conflicts can show up as chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, keeping your nervous system stuck in overdrive. Whether it’s from recent stress, past hurt, or childhood experiences, addressing these issues could be the key to lasting relief. Read to find out more.
How Holding Identities Loosely Can Help Relieve Chronic Pain and Anxiety
Do you struggle if you’re not liked, don’t succeed or don’t get things perfect? Discover how holding to strictly to identities can create chronic pain, anxiety and unresolved pain. And the steps to take to resolve this.
Is Society Setting Us Up to Fail? Why We’re Unprepared to Handle Pain
Our world is set up in ways that often leave us feeling unprepared for life’s toughest moments—and it’s no wonder. Many of us feel overwhelmed by chronic pain, stress, and challenges. But here’s the truth: we’re actually taught from a young age to sideline the skills that help us thrive. Here’s what I mean:
Told you have chronic pain because you’re burying emotions, but have no idea which emotions?
For years, I thought my stomach and back pain were due to buried emotions, but I didn’t know which ones. After months of research and trials with various practitioners, I discovered a simple and effective way to access these buried emotions.
Do you have to have childhood trauma in order to have chronic pain?
I think blaming trauma for every problem is too much nowadays. Sure, childhood trauma can mess with us in the present day, and it's good we're noticing and dealing with it. But if we blame everything on trauma, we might get stuck in our past and see ourselves as broken.
I Healed My Pain, But It Returned—What Went Wrong?
I learned how pain works, got tools to heal, and how to use them in my life. It wasn't easy, but it was simple. The pain went away as I followed the process, which was great. But then, it came back. Did I mess up? Or is this just part of the journey?
Why only being happy once your pain is ‘completely gone’ doesn’t work, and what to do instead
It seems a part of the human condition, that we pursue things thinking they'll make us happier, only to get the thing and feel no happier. But why is that? And how does it relate to healing pain?
The teacher will arrive when you’re ready (but it won’t be who you think..)
The pain in your body is a teacher, your consistent loneliness is a teacher, your repeated relationship struggles is a teacher Suffering in all its forms is not an enemy, it’s your greatest teacher. But what is this teacher trying to tell us?
The lie we’re told about healing pain (and the right solution)
In recovering from pain, it's essential to understand that the cause may not be directly linked to the painful area. Having back pain doesn't always mean there's a problem with your back.
How Limiting Screen Time May Be Key To Healing Your Pain (at least it will identify the causes..)
If you suddenly notice that screens have been protecting you from feeling all kinds of emotions, then perhaps learning how to attend to those emotions properly is your ticket out of chronic pain.
I Wish I Knew This When I Had Chronic Pain (the shift that helped me to finally heal)
Whatever it is you need to alter, pain has come into your life to tell you to alter it. As soon as you do change it, the pain no longer has nay reason to be there.
Meditation For Pain Relief
This article is intended to explain how meditation is an amazing tool to heal chronic physical or emotional pain. TMS or chronic pain can be cured by meditating, and this article will show you how.
5 Common Hindrances To Meditation
Chances are you’re experiencing, or will experience, one or more of these hindrances at some point during your journey with meditation. Becoming aware of this list is an integral part of starting a meditation practice, as it will lay to rest any notion that you’re somehow meditating wrongly. Mainly because you’ll realise that the hindrances/challenges arising for you are completely normal.
How Do I Meditate
I find that the best way to learn how to meditate is to start to do it with people who can help you. That’s why I run an online meditation community every Wednesday, where you can be guided on how to meditate and have a chance to speak to others who also enjoy meditating.
Why should I meditate?
Before you roll your eyes at the expected promises of bliss and tranquility, let’s be honest it can be difficult to meditate. Let alone feel anything other than restlessness, doubt, discomfort, fatigue and the admission that perhaps ‘I just can’t meditate’. My intention isn’t to convince you to meditate, it’s to lay to rest some of the most common misconceptions of meditation and to briefly explain its true value.
Do You Suffer From Chronic Hip Flexor Pain or Pelvic Pain? Here's Why You're Not Getting Better + Tips To Get Better
Do You Suffer From Chronic Hip Flexor Pain or Pelvic Pain? In this blog post, we look into why you're not getting better!
Is Fibromyalgia Real Or In Your Head? Research Says It's Both Real And In Your Head, And There's A Solution
Is Fibromyalgia Real Or In Your Head? In this blog post we take a deep dive in to that question and find out how we can heal such chronic pain.
How I Healed My Chronic Pain
So there I was again crying on the toilet. This had become a familiar place for me over the years, as I struggled with the changing patterns of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic back pain. Whenever I thought I’d gotten a handle on it, something would set it off. To the point that I felt hopeless, lost and alone. Until finally I found the answers to fully heal my pain.
Why Your Inner Critic Needs Your Support, Not Constant Positive Thinking
A social media image of nature and a positive affirmation, is doing it's best to help people attend to their inner critic. However, once you realise that your inner critic is most likely a younger wounded part of you, positive thinking can actually be detrimental. What you need is a supportive and collaborative relationship with it..
What Is The Symptom Imperative? And Why It's An Empowering Way To Heal Chronic Pain
Once you understand TMS it becomes a choice, either continue to take a new pill for a ‘new pain’ or start to do the work of understanding what needs resolving and how you’re going to resolve it.