The Online Pain

Relief Programme

Join Our Community

What Is It?

An online self-paced pain relief course, giving you all of the knowledge, methods and skills to finally get lasting relief from your chronic pain.

Who Is It For?

Any sufferer of chronic pain/TMS. Emotional or physical pain. Fibromyalgia, IBS, back/pelvic pain, migraines, chronic fatigue etc. Any pain in the body lasting longer than 6 months. Even anxiety and depression.

(I outline a full list of conditions I’ve helped in ‘Common TMS Symptoms’ section of my site, I’ve literally seen it all..)

What Will I Learn?

The course is split into 4 simple sections: Introduction, Knowledge, Mindsets and Skills. You’ll learn why your chronic pain is happening and the skills to be able to heal.

Please note this is just a photo NOT a video

How Does This Pain Relief Programme Differ From Other Pain Courses?

Private And Group Support

As well as having self paced lessons to go through yourself, you will also have private and group access to me. So that you can get personal feedback on what to work on. Including live meditation classes, a 24/7 community platform and scheduled 1 on 1 time with me.

Personalised Action Plan

Everyone who joins the programme gets their own, unique to themself action plan. This action plan will become your complete daily guidance. The plan is put together and discussed with you after you fill out the pre assessment forms.

IFS Self Therapy Skills

The course teaches you how to use IFS therapy for yourself. This transformative therapy not only alleviated my chronic pain but also brought relief to all my private clients' discomfort. And now it can for you as well. Learning how to use IFS therapy for yourself will be vital on your path to recovery.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

  • When you initially sign up, the programme lasts for 3 months. With the option of extending your stay in the community on a month by month membership basis.

  • Learning how to balance your mind and body is a lifelong process. However, I designed this programme to be 3 months as this should give you enough time to learn how to use all of the skills I teach. The length of time it takes for someone to heal is largely dependant on the amount of time they’re willing to learn and utilise the skills on offer. If they are willing to learn and dedicate time to utilising the skills, you should see relief from your pain.

  • You’ll learn on the programme that repressing emotions is one of the main reasons chronic pain has developed in your body. So any chronic pain recovery will entail you uncovering the repressed emotions and learning to attend to them more wisely. When we begin a process of allowing emotions in which we’ve habitually repressed, it may feel challenging from time to time. For that reason, I encourage plenty of self care and group support throughout the programme. Rest assured, emotions are NOT dangerous and will not hurt you. If challenging emotions do arise, they will only do so temporarily.

    Although please note, this programme is NOT a replacement for one on one therapy. If you have gone through major traumas in your life, you may need more consistent one on one support.

  • You must first apply to join the programme and schedule a complimentary call with me. If you are eligible to join the programme, then you can join straight after the call.

    See details below this FAQs section, about how to apply.

  • Quite simply, it’s self paced. Meaning, you can watch the lessons in your own time. I designed the programme to be effective for busy people looking to start their pain relief journey straight away. My private coaching slots are very limited, I only take on a few clients a year. Whereas with this programme, subject to a successful application, you can join and start immediately.

  • I’m aware that many people joining this community have busy lives. For that reason, I decided to create personalised action plans unique for everyone who joins. This way you and I will be able to discuss a commitment that feels comfortable to you. Having said that, you will be learning how to incorporate new skills into your life. And like any skill, it will require dedicating time to learning it. That’s why it’s important for me that people who join are willing to invest time into improving their life.

  • The investment into the programme is completely unique to the individual. After you fill out the application and book a call below, on the call we will discuss rates.

To Apply For The Programme, Please Pick A Date And Time Below And Fill Out The Short Questionnaire. Then I Will Be In Touch:

Book A Complimentary Consultation Call With Me


Whether you have chronic pain, or you want help with feeling stuck in life, during the call we will discuss:

  • Your Chronic Pain/Mental Health And How It Has Affected Your Life

  • How The Online Programme Enables You To Become Your Own Doctor, No Longer Having To Rely On Endless Treatments

  • How You’re Not Defective, Your Pain Is Actually Guiding You Towards Healing

  • At The End Of The Call There Will Be NO Obligation To Book Onto The Programme.