The Online Pain Relief Community

What: A Pain Relief Community - find out why you have ongoing pain, the tools to get out of pain and how to incorporate those tools into your life.

The Good News: You can join the Pain Relief Community for FREE! Start with the free version, which includes a 1-hour pain relief course, a MindBody quiz, community chat access, and monthly live calls. Or dive into the main version for the complete process: 80+ lectures, weekly live calls, and everything you need to get lasting relief from pain.

Find out more below..

When I had ongoing chronic pain, I wish I had a community like this.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of pain.

For years, I battled symptoms that doctors, pills, and all the usual treatments couldn’t resolve.

It felt hopeless at times.

But through my own healing journey and years of working one-on-one with clients, I discovered the powerful mind-body connection that can truly lead to lasting relief.

After helping so many clients overcome pain they’d dealt with for years—fatigue, back pain, migraines, stomach pain—you name it—I realised I needed to do more.

I wanted to create a space where people could go through the process of healing at their own pace, while also having the support of a community that gets it.

After months of working day and night (literally almost a year!), I built version 1.0 of this community—a combination of lectures, workbooks, a group chat, and weekly calls.

I started with just five people, and to my absolute joy, it worked immediately!

Those five people experienced the same ups and downs as my one-on-one clients, but they had the added benefit of 24/7 lecture access and a group to lean on.

And the results? Lasting relief from pain—no matter the symptom.

Seeing how effective this was, I decided to open it up to everyone.

And that’s how the Pain Relief Community was born.

This community is for people like you—health seekers who are ready to find lasting relief once and for all.

And the good news? You can join for free!

What Do You Get In The Pain Relief Community?

Free Membership

Yes, you can join for free. I created the free version so you can see exactly what the process looks like and decide whether you’re ready to fully commit. This includes:

  • A 1-hour pain relief course that gives you the foundations (A to Z) of how you’ll get better.

  • A MindBody quiz to assess your current health and identify key areas to focus on.

  • Access to the community chat where you can connect with others.

  • Monthly live calls to ask questions and get additional guidance.

The Full Community (Main Course)

If you’re ready to take the next step, the main course offers:

  • The entire process from A to Z—80+ lectures packed with years of research and practical tools.

  • Clear explanations of why you have symptoms, what tools you need to overcome them, and how to incorporate these tools into your daily life.

  • Weekly live calls where you’ll practice the tools, ask questions, and connect with others on the same journey.

  • Access to the community chat for ongoing support.

This course is the same process that has helped so many people break free from pain, and it can help you too.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This process is designed to address any disharmony in the mind or body, including: Back pain, Pelvic pain, Stomach pain, Knee pain, Shoulder pain, Headaches, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, Depression, Dizziness, Tinnitus…and more. If you’re experiencing any physical or emotional discomfort, this course can help.

  • I can guarantee and not guarantee certain things. If you commit to this—show up to the calls, work through the lectures, and apply the tools to your everyday life—you can expect to see results within 3-6 months. But if you don’t commit, don’t watch the lectures, or don’t apply the tools, the results are in your hands.

  • You’ll learn on the programme that repressing emotions is one of the main reasons chronic pain has developed in your body. So any chronic pain recovery will entail you uncovering the repressed emotions and learning to attend to them more wisely. When we begin a process of allowing emotions in which we’ve habitually repressed, it may feel challenging from time to time. For that reason, I encourage plenty of self care and group support throughout the programme. Rest assured, emotions are NOT dangerous and will not hurt you. If challenging emotions do arise, they will only do so temporarily.

    Although please note, this programme is NOT a replacement for one on one therapy. If you have gone through major traumas in your life, you may need more consistent one on one support. Please use your discretion to determine this.

  • Absolutely. The free version is just there to help you decide if this is the right fit for you. If you’re ready, you can jump straight into the main course.

  • Quite simply, it’s self paced. Meaning, you can watch the lessons in your own time. I designed the programme to be effective for busy people looking to start their pain relief journey straight away. My private coaching slots are very limited, I only take on a few clients a year. Whereas with this programme, you can join and start immediately.

  • 30-60 minutes a day of learning or practicing is the minimum requirement. You will be learning how to incorporate new skills into your life. And like any skill, it will require dedicating time to learning it. That’s why it’s important for me that people who join are willing to invest time into improving their life.

  • There is the free version and the paid for version. For more details, join below to find out.

  • Yes! This community works alongside whatever treatments or medications you’re currently using. You can stay on them, reduce them, or transition off them—it’s completely up to you.

    Although please note, this programme is NOT a replacement for one on one therapy. If you have gone through major traumas in your life, you may need more consistent one on one support. Please use your discretion to determine this.

  • Yes you can. Once you join the free version of the community, there is no obligation to join the main course at any stage. You can stay in the free version as long as you’d like.

To Join The Community, Click Here

Book A Complimentary Consultation Call With Me


Whether you have chronic pain, or you want help with feeling stuck in life, during the call we will discuss:

  • Your Chronic Pain/Mental Health And How It Has Affected Your Life

  • How The Online Programme Enables You To Become Your Own Doctor, No Longer Having To Rely On Endless Treatments

  • How You’re Not Defective, Your Pain Is Actually Guiding You Towards Healing

  • At The End Of The Call There Will Be NO Obligation To Book Onto The Programme.