What Is IFS Therapy?
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, chronic pain or mental health? Or perhaps you feel stuck and you’re looking for guidance on how to create a better life.
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a self empowering form of therapy that gives you the tools to manage your own mental health and work/life decisions, without the need for constant external guidance. Not to be confused with your external family members, in the form of your parents and siblings, IFS refers to the internal family which exists inside of all of our mental systems, in the form of sub personalities.
What Are The Subpersonalities?
Our sub personalities consist of Wounded Parts and Protective Parts, the protective parts try to protect the person from the pain of the wounded parts. Also, at the core of everyone’s mental system is a Self Part. The Self part is the compassionate, curious and confident part of us, one which we want to access as much as possible.
Most often, protective parts are developed at an early age, inherited personality traits from caregivers or societies expectations of you. And they show up in our everyday lives as fears, worries and frustrations. Wounded parts show up with inner child like qualities, they are most often stuck in the past relaying trauma, neglect or abuse. Finally, our SELF part is the compassionate and loving part of us.
The Internal Parts Of Our Mental System
Inner Child Like Qualities
Usually Has Something It Wants To Let Go Of
Past Trauma/Abuse/Neglect
Wants To Be ‘Reparented’ By Your SELF Part
Inherited Personality Traits
Often Shows Up As Fear, Sadness, Anger, Worry, Anxiety, Depression
It’s Common To Think That You Are These Emotions
They Want To Be Unburdened And Loved By The SELF Part, Just Like The Wounded Parts.
Curious, Compassionate, Loving, Confident, Empathic, Caring Part Of Us.
When You Access This Part, You Can Heal Your Entire System.
The More You Communicate To Your Protective And Wounded Parts With SELF, The More They Trust You.
What Is The Goal Of IFS Therapy?
The goal of therapy is to access the SELF part as much as possible, to help the protective and wounded parts heal. It differs from conventional talk therapies, as the therapist allows the recipient to foster a stronger healthier internal dialogue with themselves. One which eventually allows the recipient to become their own mentor.
Who Is IFS For?
Everyone has fears and worries, but if it’s taking over your life and affecting your relationships IFS therapy is for you. Mainly it helps you deal with:
Feeling Stuck In Life
Panic Attacks
Bipolar Disorder
Eating Disorders
Work/Life Balance
Establishing And Maintaining Healthy Relationships
Chronic Pain
Chronic Stress
Chronic Guilt/Sadness/Worry/Fear
Book A Complimentary Call With Me
Book A Complimentary Consultation
If You Would Like To Book An IFS Session I Offer A Complimentary Consultation To Assess Your Needs. Simply Fill Out The Form To Find A Date And Time That’s Suitable For You.
There is NO Obligation To Book Further Sessions After The Initial Call
Do You Suffer With Chronic Pain?
If you suffer from chronic physical pain, and you would like more guidance on how to heal. The Pain Relief Programme is a great solution to get you started. Fibromyalgia, Back Pain and IBS are some of the few conditions which the programme alleviates. Click the link to find out more.