Told you have chronic pain because you’re burying emotions, but have no idea which emotions? 

I was told for years that I had stomach and back pain because I was burying emotions, but I had no idea which emotions I was burying. 

Some practitioners mentioned I was burying anger, but I thought I was quite calm. 

Without any guidance on how to find these supposed ‘secret emotions’ that I was burying, I just found myself back on the same treadmill of looking for new treatments to heal the pain. But if like me you’ve tried many treatments to heal your pain, you’ll know you always end up in the same place. 

Temporary hope, followed by disappointment and hopelessness. As treatment after treatment never works to heal the pain. There had to be another way, and I knew it involved getting to access these buried emotions 

I sought out books, practitioners and lectures. 

I made a commitment to do what I could to no longer blame my stomach pain on the food I was eating, and blame my back pain on the exercise I was (or wasn’t) doing. After months and months of research and trial and errors with different practitioners, I finally found out how to access these buried emotions in a simple and effective way

After discovering how to access the buried emotions I had been repressing, I finally achieved lasting relief from pain after 15 years of struggle.

The answer was two fold, I found out:

  1. Why pain exists in the body

  2. The tools I needed to heal 

Why pain exists in the body 

100% of pain in the body is created by the mind 

This does NOT mean you're making pain up, rather the mind sends real pain around the body in response to stimuli. The stimuli which causes the mind to send pain to the body can sometimes be because of an injury. It can also sometimes be because emotions are being buried 

Real physical pain being caused by buried emotions is a real phenomenon which has been proven by fMRI scans for decades (1). The key to finding these buried emotions is NOT as hard as it seems, in fact it’s incredibly simple 

The first step is by asking yourself:

‘How do I feel about my pain?’ 

Chances are you won’t feel great about your pain. Whether you’re feeling sad, angry or fearful, chances are you won’t like feeling those emotions. In fact, you may be constantly trying to get rid of them.

And so there you get a glimpse at just some of the emotional burying you’re doing. You may be thinking, ‘Why would I want to feel sad, angry or fearful? I want to feel happy!’.

Here’s where the problem lies: We’ve been taught to believe that our emotions are dangerous. That if we feel them, we may be a danger to others or to ourselves. 

‘If I feel my anger, what will others think? I may hurt someone, or hurt myself…’

Of course if we overly act on our emotions, we may react in unwise ways. However, if you can learn how to acknowledge and express emotions in more balanced ways, your mind rewards you by reducing pain 

The tools you use to acknowledge and express your emotions in balanced ways 

Meditation, journaling and IFS therapy are the modalities I use to help people acknowledge and express the emotions they’ve buried. These modalities are all powerful in their own ways. I meditated and journaled for years before I properly understood how it could help me heal my pain. 

It turns out, I had only been scratching the surface of the value of meditation and journaling. When I finally practiced really allowing myself to acknowledge and accept emotions, these tools transformed my life. And they can for you as well. 

Not only did I heal my stomach and back pain, I went on to help others heal all types of pain. Not just stomach and back pain. Fibromyalgia, pelvic pain, migraines, even dizziness, fatigue and anxiety. At this stage I’ve seen people with all types of symptoms, go from disharmony to relief 

Just by simply following the tools to acknowledge and accept the emotions they’ve been burying. 

And you can too. 

If you’d like to find out how you can find the emotions you’ve been burying, and finally find relief you can book a complimentary call with me by clicking here 

Alternatively, if you haven’t done so yet, download my free ebook ‘The 10 Do’s of Healing Pain’ 

To find out more about my online group programme click this link here 

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Do you have to have childhood trauma in order to have chronic pain?