The teacher will arrive when you’re ready (but it won’t be who you think..)

At some point, anyone who has chronic pain will have to learn this lesson 

‘The teacher will arrive when you’re ready…’

But the teacher will not be who you think… 

If you wait around expecting the teacher to be a wise looking person you may be disappointed. 

You may also make the mistake of blindly following a wise looking teacher, in the hope that they’ll provide you with the answers you crave.

Our teachers are actually available to us at any moment, we just need to become more adept at seeing them for what they are. 

The pain in your body is a teacher 

The consistent loneliness you feel is a teacher 

The repeated relationship struggles is a teacher 

Suffering in all its forms is not an enemy, it’s your greatest, most reliable, teacher. 

But what is this teacher trying to tell us? 

In my programmes, I teach people how to listen to their own internal teacher. How to attend to the messages that are arising. 

Even though there are some messages that are unique to each person, most of the messages are universal needs which most people neglect. 

Physical health is widely utilised and accepted as a vital part of any healing protocol. 

Things like diet, exercise and good sleep are just some amazing components of physical health which are actively promoted. . 

However, many people neglect emotional, mental and spiritual (not religious) health. 

These healing components get neglected because people are often not taught the important role they play in creating pain symptoms in the body. 

If we’re not attending to our emotions, the mind can create real pain in the body 

If we’re not attending to our present and past day stressors, the mind can create real pain in the body 

If we don’t have supportive peers and we’re not having fun, the mind can create real pain in the body 

The mind is giving you real physical pain not to try to hurt you, rather to try to guide you towards improving those areas of your life. 

Your job is to learn how to listen to what your mind and body is trying to tell you about your life.  

Which is exactly what I teach people to do on my programmes

And I can happily say, it’s improved the lives of many people

So when you learn how to listen you’ll have a teacher for life. 

Click below to find out more about my pain relief community, and join others on the life changing journey to recovery from pain


Why only being happy once your pain is ‘completely gone’ doesn’t work, and what to do instead


The lie we’re told about healing pain (and the right solution)