The lie we’re told about healing pain (and the right solution)

Doctors consistently find themselves without the solutions for our recovery from chronic pain.

Their solutions also seem to be somewhat temporary at best, as they fail to identify a big piece of the pain puzzle.

That’s not to say that doctors are not vitally important for society, their knowledge of emergency treatments continually miraculously save countless lives. 

We’re indebted to them. 

The intention of this blog is certainly not to vilify doctors, rather it’s to point out their obvious pros and cons. 

After personally guiding 100s of people out of chronic pain, including healing my own chronic pain long ago, I can say that the solutions presented by doctors rarely formed part of the cure.

If anything, doctors, albeit perhaps unintentionally, left my clients and I feeling more lost, hopeless and alone.

One of the most important things you learn in recovery from pain, is that there is more to the story than there actually being something wrong with the area of your body where there’s pain. 

Just because you have back pain, does not mean that there’s anything wrong with your back 

Just because you have migraines, does not mean that there’s anything wrong with your head 

Etc etc etc 

Anyone that’s had tests done for their pain can confirm this, as all kinds of results come back finding nothing wrong with the area.

Yet the solutions and treatments recommended still overly focus on the area of pain. 

Diets for stomach pain, surgeries for back pain, exercises for pelvic pain, injections for migraines……. 

While these solutions may provide some relief, they’ll consistently only be temporary at best.

Here lies the big problem - doctors tend to treat the body like a mechanic treats a car. As a sum of individual separate parts, which gets fixed as such. 

However the body is NOT a sum of individual parts, it’s a holistic connection of bodily parts, lifestyle choices, emotional acceptance, stress management, our loved ones etc

The mind and body are interconnected in such a way, that when there’s any disharmony, whether it’s emotional or physical pain, your whole life needs to be analysed in order to heal. 

Meaning recovery from something like back pain is not just about continually prodding the back with solutions, hoping that the back's mechanics no longer give you pain. 

It’s about treating the whole bodied picture of your life

What that means for one person, could mean something different for another. 

To find lasting relief from pain:

  • Some people may need to become more emotionally intelligent and set better boundaries with their loved ones. 

  • For another person, they may need to quit their job, resolve trauma from their past and learn to have more fun. 

Whatever your pain needs from you, it’s come into your life to try to guide you towards bettering yourself in some way. 

That’s what my programmes help people to learn how to do, and that’s why they find lasting relief from their pain. 

And that's why doctors will keep struggling to help with chronic pain, as long as they treat the body like a machine.

For more information on how to find lasting relief from your pain, click below to read all about my online pain relief programme. And join my community of people finally finding a worthwhile solution. 


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