How Limiting Screen Time May Be Key To Healing Your Pain (at least it will identify the causes..)

Porn, netflix and social media, you’ll only realise how addicted you are to screens when you stop using them and you feel low, anxious and angry.

Why does this happen? 

We crave social interaction with one another for happiness, and screens have provided the perfect way to get that social happiness without any fear of being judged or rejected. 

Screens have given us a sort of pseudo social interaction, giving our brains the illusion that we’re connecting to people. 

And we get to do so without any of the social anxiety that may come from actually interacting with people. So when the screens are taken away, it’s almost as if our brain believes we’ve been abandoned or socially excluded. No wonder it’s become an addiction. 

Life is stressful, you may be working a 40 hour week with kids and a mortgage. Screens give us an easy happy hormone kick as an antidote to our stressful lives. Many people don’t have the energy to go out and socialise anymore, so screens provide an easy alternative for the heart and the brain. 

They may have been protecting us from feelings that we’ve needed to address for a long time, but never truly acknowledged. 

Screens are a modern day prescription drug, sedating us from the stress of our lives and fear of emotions. 

Whether we like it or not, in many countries we lack community. You could argue that in places where there’s more community, there’s less need for screens. 

However, even when we are with one another, we lack the social acumen to stay present for long periods of time. How often do you see groups of people together, all on their phones at the same time?

How does this relate to healing chronic pain? 

You may be wondering, why is this guy trying to get me to stop watching my netflix shows? 

Well if you’ve come to my site to heal chronic physical or emotional pain, then you need to know that repressing emotions is one of the main reasons people develop chronic pain. 

So if you suddenly notice that screens have been protecting you from feeling all kinds of emotions, then perhaps learning how to attend to those emotions properly is your ticket out of chronic pain

Screens may be distracting you from sadness you’ve needed to feel for a while, 

…or perhaps it’s helping you to avoid a conversation you’ve been putting off 

…or make a major life decision like leaving a relationship, the country or a job. 

As soon as you put the screens down, you’re suddenly faced with the reality of all of these challenging decisions, situations and emotions. Even though it may be tough to feel all of this, if you want to heal your chronic pain it’s important to work through it all. 

Now we know why we get addicted to screens, so is it important to stop using them or not? 

The choice really is yours, you’re not hurting anyone and there’s certainly a fine line between being entertained and being addicted. Likewise, there’s no doubt that there are tremendous benefits to screens as well with unlimited access to exceptional ideas and loved ones. 

However, if you’re experiencing chronic pain in any form, I’d suggest exploring what arises when you limit screen time. You don’t have to go completely free from it, after all the screens may be giving you the downtime you severely need. 

I know when I suffered from chronic pain being able to watch films and sports was a great de-stress for me. I also certainly encourage perfectionist types to let loose a bit more and watch netflix. 

However, I don’t know about you, but if something makes me feel low, anxious and lonely if I stop using it, and I knew that feeling those emotions was key to me healing chronic pain, I’d want to see what I can do to limit it. 

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