I Wish I Knew This When I Had Chronic Pain (the shift that helped me to finally heal)

When people are dealing with ongoing pain, I often ask them about their hopes for the next six months. Usually, they just want things to feel "normal" again.

I personally struggled with chronic pain for ten years, so I get that longing to go back to a time when things weren't so uncomfortable all the time.

But here's the thing: many people with constant pain think it's like a punishment. That's not really true. Instead of being an enemy, pain is more like a guide or a teacher.

The brain creates pain in the body as a guiding mechanism, trying to get you to alter something in your life. What the pain is telling you to alter can be lots of different things, mainly it comes down to:

  • Stress in the present day

  • Stress from the past:

  • Personality traits

In each of those categories, there can be numerous things which need addressing.

Perhaps there’s a conversation you need to have that you’ve been putting off, maybe you need to learn how to no longer repress emotions or maybe there’s a major life decision you have to make, such as leaving a relationship or a job.

Whatever it is you need to alter, pain has come into your life to tell you to alter it. As soon as you do change it, the pain no longer has nay reason to be there.

Some people see pain as a signal that something isn't right – it's like our body telling us to pay attention. Changing how we think about pain can actually help us feel better.

Through my own experience, and the experience of the people I’ve healed, I've learned that seeing pain as a teacher is important for healing. Instead of wishing to go back to how things were before the pain, we can learn from it and grow.

It's a new way of thinking that can help not only manage pain but also make us stronger and better.

To find out more about how you can heal your pain, click the link below to download the FREE PDF ‘The 10 Do’s Of Healing Chronic Pain’


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