I Healed My Pain, But It Returned—What Went Wrong?

This article is a 3 minute read

When I embarked on a pain recovery journey, I discovered all the reasons I had pain. I learnt the science behind pain, the tools I needed to heal and how to incorporate them into my life. 

It wasn’t an easy process, but it was a simple one. Follow the process and the pain will go away. And thankfully it did! 

But then one day, to my disgust, pain returned. 

Did I do something wrong? Or was this just part of the process? 

Our mind and body will always interact

Our mind and body will always interact, it does so to try to get us to adjust something in our life.

Sometimes our mind will send sensations around the body to tell us something. And sometimes those sensations can be painful.

Your mind is not doing this to try to hurt you, on the contrary. It’s doing it to try to help you.

Let me explain

Our conditioning creates pain 

We’ve structured society in a way which encourages us to repress emotions, limit ourselves and turn away from our innate nature.

Moreover, we live our lives in a linear fashion. Expecting that our life schedules can remain consistent throughout the year.

In reality, sometimes we need to work, sometimes we need to rest. Sometimes we need to take time for ourselves, sometimes we need to be with others.

This balancing act is seamlessly done in nature. The seasons change, and with each change different things are needed. But we struggle to do this for ourselves.

In response to our conditioning, our mind is trying to remind us to return home to ourselves. It needs us to allow the presence of emotions, to express ourselves, limit stress, balance and focus more on our passions etc etc

There’s no other way we would listen if it wasn’t for pain. We would just carry on abiding by our conditioning. 

Living life on autopilot.

Pain comes into our life as a guide 

In that regard, pain is working for us as a guide. It comes into our lives every time we need it. 

There are no errors.

In my programmes, I teach people how their pain has been created, the simple tools to heal their pain and how to integrate those tools into their lives. 

This is not a one time silver bullet type pain relief method, this is a new understanding about how to exist in the world. 

Whenever pain arises, it’s doing so for a reason. To try to get you to notice something.

It may be asking you to have a conversation you’ve been putting off, or to get in touch with an emotion you’re not allowing yourself to feel, or to take more time to rest etc etc 

Whatever it is, pain is working for you, not against you. 

I can’t tell you the amount of time someone goes through a ‘bump' on their journey, and later realised it happened for them to realise some new aspect of their internal world.

You may believe these moments are setbacks, but they’re actually vital lessons for you on your path to lasting relief.

Necessary for you to be able to stop and reassess what’s coming for you.

I teach people that setbacks are lessons, not relapses. 

What is your pain trying to tell you? 

If you’d like more guidance on understanding this, I healed my pain and I’ve helped 100s of people get lasting relief from pain.

For more info, click the button below:


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