How Internal Family Systems Therapy Helps To Heal Chronic Pain
Ever been told that your emotions are creating chronic pain, but you’re not sure which emotions? Introducing Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), an empowering process which identifies those emotions and what to do when they arise.
Why Giving A Voice To Your ‘Dirty Emotions’ Will Heal Your Chronic Pain
Emotional burying creates pain in the body, it’s not a theory anymore, it’s a fact. As I reflected on my internal dialogue, I started to see that I wasn’t very kind to myself. So I took steps to be kinder to myself by allowing what I call ‘dirty emotions’ to have a voice…
How I Healed My IBS
My diet and lifestyle used to help me with IBS, until it stopped working. I had to find a different approach, and fortunately I did.
The Brain Distracts Us From Unpleasant Emotions By Creating Chronic Pain
The mind body connection is when our emotions create physical symptoms, acutely and chronically. Acutely, when we’re nervous our stomach rumbles and palms sweat. Chronically, repressing emotions can create constant pain. Learn how to overcome this.