Stuck Constantly Looking For A Cause For Your Pain? How Breaking Causation Loops Heals Pain

It seems to make sense, you feel pain and you try to figure out why it’s happening. 

A quick look up on doctor google, and you find pages of neurotic people telling you to panic. A visit to the doctor may or may not reassure you that you’re fine, although a staggering amount of people with pain leave doctors offices being told that there's nothing wrong with them. 

In fact the NHS reports that 1 in 4 people who see a GP have physical symptoms that cannot be explained (interestingly this stat on the NHS site used to say 45% of people. Not sure why they changed it…). 

Anyone with chronic pain can relate to becoming obsessed with looking for a cause for their pain. I call them causation loops, the mental merry go rounds of panic, frustration and hopelessness looking for a cause for pain. I know when I had IBS and back pain, I was constantly on the internet looking for a possible cause and the next treatment to try. 

What I didn’t know was the solution was staring me in the face, always by my side asking me to attend to it. 

Only when I read the ground-breaking books by Dr John Sarno, did I realise the proven science behind why certain personality traits of mine were creating pain. It wasn’t emotions that were creating pain, it was my unconscious burying of them that was creating pain. All I had to figure out was how to get to those mysterious background emotions creating my pain. 

Fortunately, I started an empowering process that enabled me to acknowledge those emotions and resolve what needed to be resolved. The process combined IFS therapy, meditation, journaling and a strict regimen of having fun

If you’re reading this and you can relate to being stuck in causation loops, you’re not alone and there is hope. The goal is that key to healing pain is to break causation loops, by focusing on what’s present for you emotionally rather than the symptoms.  

So instead of trying to figure out why you have chronic pain, start with how you feel towards your chronic pain. When you acknowledge the way you feel towards your pain, cultivate practices to get comfortable feeling those emotions. 

I’m here to help 


Are You Constantly Pre-empting Pain Even When It’s Not There? How To Break Pre-emption Loops To Heal Chronic Pain


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